Research Features Magazine – 107

Translating new research and ideas into practical, applicable and commercially successful ventures is key to the concept of innovation. How can scientists take their work and create a business from it? How can commerce help get the most out of an exciting idea?

These questions and more are asked and answered by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency. They aim to increase innovation in the UK by supporting the businesses that are driving science and technology developments.

Geoff Mulgan is Chief Executive of Nesta, who also put innovation at the heart of what they do. We spoke to him about how they are harnessing the natural creativity and talent of the UK to tackle the big challenges facing our society today.

That determination is certainly something that the researchers and companies featured in this issue all have in common – they have identified a problem and provided a solution: a computer programme to help combat illiteracy; a novel technique to identify dental erosion; a new method for the disposal of nuclear waste; viable alternatives to fossil fuels; a press to allow researchers to create better tablets; or a model to predict coating systems for industrial components.

This ability to transform a spark of inspiration into a practical application is key to so many areas of our society. It strengthens our economy, improves our services and encourages a younger generation of future scientists. Join our global readership and discover more about the valuable work these companies are doing.


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